Triton a Bull terrier turned the table farm attackers.

Triton a Bull terrier turned the table farm attackers.

Pikkie Sandenbergh posted on the Bull Terrier South-Africa page, that their champion “Triton” saved her Father in Law during a farm attack on Saturday evening.

According to Pikkie, just before the attackers could harm her father in law, Alex Sandenbergh, Triton grabbed one of the attackers by the leg.

Triton a Bull terrier turned the table farm attackers.

Triton sleeps in the house on the sofa, and when the attackers broke into the house, Triton turned the table on them and attacked the attackers to protect his owner Alex.

Triton was stabbed 3 times with a knife by the other attacker, just before the attackers fled from the scene.

Thankfully he received medical help soon after the emergency services and neighbours have arrived and his wounds were stitched up under anaesthesia.

Thankfully, Triton is already protecting the farm again.


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